All around the world, massage therapy is considered a complementary and alternative medical practice. Therefore, a good massage therapist will work all of your body’s soft tissues. Those include your muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and your skin itself.
The first step is to choose the right massage therapist. Then, after discussing your options with them, choosing the right massage technique comes next. Finally, discover some of the many wonderful massage products that can keep you relaxed and focused between massage visits.
Now, continue reading to uncover the many health benefits you will receive from a quality massage.
The most important factor to consider when picking a good massage therapist is their skill level and experience. As such, check their credentials and read their reviews. Then, start small. Schedule a basic massage to experience their work and their personality for yourself. If they have what it takes and you enjoy their work, you’ve nailed how to pick a good massage therapist.
This is the time to be picky about pressure. On your first visit, ask for more or less pressure as needed throughout the treatment. Be nice and be respectful, but say things like, “That’s a bit too strong or too weak for me right in that spot. Ask for more or less pressure. If you get a no-pain-no-gain response, counter that by telling them you’d still like a little break from the intensity for a couple minutes.
These days, you have a variety of massage-therapy options available for many health-related issues. But of course, you don’t need to have health problems to benefit from it. A good massage will revive your senses and provide true relaxation. Also, it physically prevents many of those health concerns before they set in – it enhances your wellness.
Many formal massage-therapy techniques are used based on the physical issues they resolve. The most common massage-therapy technique is called Swedish or Classical massage, which is the core of most massage training programs. Other types of massage include:
For pain, massage therapy has you covered. Regardless of the type of massage you choose, you’ll receive wonderful pain relief throughout your body. Each type of massage targets your soft tissues differently. But the benefits cover many types of pain that are just waiting for the right touch for relief.
A 2007 National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children from the U.S. had received massage therapy during the previous year. In general, people use massage for health-related purposes, including pain relief, sports injury rehabilitation, stress reduction, relaxation, anxiety and depression, and to help with general wellness.
Each massage technique targets your soft tissues in different ways. Those soft tissues include your muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and your skin itself. Once you find the technique that works best for you, you’ll know what to ask when looking for the best massage therapist in your area. If you’re in Tucson, Arizona, that massage therapist is Massage WordPress Theme by Hixonic.
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well-being. Interestingly, using them during a massage helps relieve stress during your massage.
Check out MASSAGE PRODUCTS: Uncover the benefits of massage oils and more to uncover even more fantastic massage products that are available.
If you've had a professional massage in the past, you know the benefits! As such, both your body and your mind felt better afterwards, right? Well, the same goes for prenatal massage. As such, it's important to pick the right prenatal massage therapist for peace of mind. In order to pick a good one, uncover what to look for. Generally considered safe...READ MORE
If you've had a professional massage in the past, you know the benefits! As such, both your body and your mind felt better afterwards, right? Well, the same goes for prenatal massage. As such,...READ MORE
Massage therapy for shoulder pain works well, and in many ways. Regardless of the type of massage you choose, you'll receive...MORE
Massage therapy for shoulder pain works well, and in many ways. Regardless of the...MORE
A 2007 National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children from the U.S. had received massage therapy... MORE
A 2007 National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children... MORE
Normally considered safe after the first trimester, prenatal massage therapy provides wonderful benefits, as long as your practitioner approves based on...MORE
Normally considered safe after the first trimester, prenatal massage therapy provides wonderful benefits, as...MORE
Various types of massage therapies have a quite a long history throughout the world. As such, the numerous health benefits of... MORE
Various types of massage therapies have a quite a long history throughout the world. ... MORE