Among the many types of massage therapy techniques, Swedish Massage, also called Classical Massage, targets your soft tissues in an amazing way. Because of that, Swedish Massage is the most common massage-therapy technique. To describe it, Swedish Massage involves long, soft, kneading strokes covering all of your body. On top of that, it includes light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on your top muscular layers while moving your joints with those muscles.
As you can see, Swedish Massage is very effective. It not only ranks number one in popularity, but it also provides some of the best results when it comes to general pain and stress relief. Continue reading to uncover why this massage technique is so highly regarded.
Created by a Swedish fencing instructor named Per Henrik Ling during the 1830s, Swedish Massage has been around for quite a long time. The reason he had created this style of massage was to relieve the pain from his elbow injury. Per Henrik Ling reportedly cured himself using tapping strokes around the affected area while moving it back and forth. Once he perfected the technique, he named it after his nationality.
Ling pioneered the teaching of physical education in Sweden after becoming famous for his fencing techniques. This began after he establish the gymnastic institute in Sweden back in 1804. After that, Sweden appointed him a master of fencing at Lund University back in 1805. As you can see, Ling was physically very active and quite a creative personality. Since then, Swedish Massage has become world renowned.
The yoga scholar Mark Singleton stated that Per Henrik Ling’s gymnastics techniques had shaped the development of modern yoga as an exercise throughout the world. When you combine all of this, it’s easy to see that Ling came up with a massage technique that would cover a wide range of pain caused by physical activity. And, he had many students to test its effectivity.
In general, people use massage therapy for health-related purposes. Those include general pain relief, stress reduction, sports injury rehabilitation, anxiety and depression, relaxation, and to assist in general wellness. Back in 2007, a National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children from the U.S. had received massage therapy during the previous year. That’s quite significant indeed.
To explain the many types of massage out there, each massage technique targets your soft tissues in different ways. Those soft tissues include your muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and your skin itself. Therefore, once you find the technique that works best for you, you’ll know what to ask when looking for the best massage therapist in your area. And if you’re in Tucson, Arizona, your best option for a massage therapist is Massage WordPress Theme by Hixonic.
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Swedish Massage aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. This technique is gentler than deep tissue massage. Also, this technique is well suited for people who are interested in both relaxation and tension relief. And since it relieves pain so effectively, it’s very widely used, which is why it is so popular.
As you probably guessed, there are many techniques used in Swedish Massage. These include circular pressure applied by the hands and palms, firm kneading and light tapping. This light tapping is applied while specific parts of your body are moving back and forth.
Swedish Massage was designed to relax your entire body. But of course, the benefits of Swedish massage go beyond relaxation. It helps increase oxygen in the blood and improves flexibility and circulation.
If you've had a professional massage in the past, you know the benefits! As such, both your body and your mind felt better afterwards, right? Well, the same goes for prenatal massage. As such, it's important to pick the right prenatal massage therapist for peace of mind. In order to pick a good one, uncover what to look for. Generally considered safe...READ MORE
If you've had a professional massage in the past, you know the benefits! As such, both your body and your mind felt better afterwards, right? Well, the same goes for prenatal massage. As such,...READ MORE
Massage therapy for shoulder pain works well, and in many ways. Regardless of the type of massage you choose, you'll receive...MORE
Massage therapy for shoulder pain works well, and in many ways. Regardless of the...MORE
A 2007 National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children from the U.S. had received massage therapy... MORE
A 2007 National Health Interview Survey estimated that 18 million adults and 700,000 children... MORE
Normally considered safe after the first trimester, prenatal massage therapy provides wonderful benefits, as long as your practitioner approves based on...MORE
Normally considered safe after the first trimester, prenatal massage therapy provides wonderful benefits, as...MORE
Various types of massage therapies have a quite a long history throughout the world. As such, the numerous health benefits of... MORE
Various types of massage therapies have a quite a long history throughout the world. ... MORE